Who Are We?
The Muskwa Club, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) California non-profit student-run organization that includes almost 300 members, distributed across 81 chapters and locations in seven countries. Muskwa is assembling a global network of young optimists dedicated to fostering positive social, environmental, and technological change. Muskwans seek to enrich their lives and the community through value-added activities, STEM projects, and service opportunities. Our mission is to advance technological, environmental, and social progress while supporting each other.
What do we Do?
We conduct safe, educational functions such as field trips to local areas of historical or cultural significance, speaking opportunities, scientific research, global issue engagement, STEM projects, endangered species awareness, and community service. Our most important project is our effort to save the vaquita, the world's most endangered marine mammal.
Where are we?
Click on the map below to see an interactive directory of our chapters and locations!
what do we stand for?
Muskwa raises a standard for optimism, with a firm belief that all of the world's problems can be solved by a diverse group of people working together. We are determined to build the shining future that we know lies just over the horizon.
Muskwa stands in defense of the innocent, human or otherwise. The shield and sword that comprise our emblem represent our organization's willingness to defend what is right in the world against anything that would seek to demean, degrade, or destroy it.
Muskwa provides a home for everyone who needs one. Our members come from all walks of life, and Muskwa is a nurturing support network for all of our people. We befriend the friendless, include the excluded, and give a rock to those who need one.
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