Muskwa's Northwestern Chapter officially laid down the Resolution, the second Proteus air vehicle, on Sunday. Muskwa member Anetta Siemianowicz has spent the past month laser-cutting wing ribs and spacers for the plane, as well as the SRMNA Resurgence, the third Proteus Aircraft, which is due to be laid down on November 5.
The twin aircraft are upgraded RSU-4B models, which incorporate a variety of improvements over the prototype RSU-4A model, of which the SRMNA Don Eichhorn (AV-001) is the sole example. The B-model carries 25% more fuel than its predecessor and features a wider, more spacious fuselage.
Muskwa Northwestern members Evan Fox, Kim Rowghani, Anetta Siemianowicz, and William Whittenbury convened at Northwestern's Ford Design Building to commence construction on the Resolution. They successfully placed 37 ribs on the center and port sections of the Resolution's wing. Next week, the team expects to complete primary assembly of the Resolution's wing and start construction on the Resurgence's wing. The team may also work on the fuselages and tails of the twin airplanes.
In other Proteus news, Muskwa Member Josh Steubs has decided to develop a computer vision system for Proteus as part of a school project. This system would enable the plane to "see" and identify fishing vessels without direct input from a ground station, and report illegal fishing activities automatically.
The Resolution and Resurgence will not fly until the flight test program with the Don Eichhorn (AV-001) is completed, a program slated for this winter. Once the "bugs" have been worked out of the design, the expensive powertrain and avionics equipment proven by the flight test program will be ordered and installed on the Resolution and Resurgence.